Kortoba Pre-School

  • Kortoba Pre-School

    A Child-Centered, Holistic Approach Our teachers and staff are guided by a Lifeways-based curriculum. We pride ourselves on a low student to teacher ratio. Our teachers develop age-appropriate activities that introduce and strengthen academic and social skills. In addition to the "basics", we offer children a range of gross motor skills and creative opportunities including Songs, Nursery Ryhmes, on-going drama workshops, and organized team sports. We strive to include enrichment activities that extend our children knowledge and understanding of the world outside the Pre-School. Each year, our children take field trips to working firms, ice cream factory, fire stations, Kuwait Flour Mills & Bakeries Co., and other local places of interest.
    Phone : +965 25314466
    Address : Qurtoba, Block 4, Street 2, House 31
    Url : http://www.kortobapreschool.com/

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