جامعة الشرق الأوسط الأمريكية

  • جامعة الشرق الأوسط الأمريكية

    AUM aims to create a solid learning environment that facilitates the development of a generation of leaders who are committed to the culture of their community and the global ethical values of professionalism. Our students enjoy a continuous learning process which teaches them to seek knowledge, gain experiences and commit to more responsibility. AUM focuses on its students by applying the “Learner Centered Approach”. The “Learner Centered Approach” aids AUM in the process of character building and the development of creative and independent critical thinking skills for its students. AUM emphasizes that the acquisition of theoretical knowledge must be accompanied by empowerment of the students, so that the student may apply such knowledge and benefit from it both in their professional and personal lives.
    الهاتف : 22251400
    الفاكس : 26548484
    العنوان : الأحمدي-ش سعود جلال
    رابط الموقع : http://www.aum.edu.kw/

    تاريخ الاضافة: 11-09-2013 12:56 م | عدد الزيارات: 0 | التقييم :

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